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linux ppc 移植(转)
tingzi | 2008-05-07 17:48:51    阅读:1767   发布文章

最近在做XUP,V2Pro上的LINUX移植,按照风雷的文章做的,遇到启动时系统停在"booting the kernel"的问题,在网上查了查,解答的人很少,论坛里也没有人回答。我把我收集的答案给大家分享一下,由于要给MAIL LIST上的朋友回信息,所以写成英文的,英文很烂,能看懂就行,欢迎拍砖。
   if your linux hang at "boot the kernel", the reasons can be list as follows:
     1:If you use the uartlite IP in your design , set "console=ttyUL0"
       If you use the uart_16xxx IP in your design , set "console=ttyS0"
     2:If you use pwerpc-gcc version is 4.1.0,it will errorly compile the 2.6 kernel.I sugget use 3.4.4.
     3:If you download the uncompressed kernel into XUP,as "dow vmlinux,con".The reason is uncompressed kernel have not the booter,so booter not set your Data_cache on right state.You can insert the code which set the Data_cache before early_init(). 
     4:It may be your ppc's TLB bug ,search TLB on the website "",there is the patch.
     5:If you use the U-boot,may be the U-boot 's parameter not set correct, the ppc on xup have 16k cache, some U-boot set it 8k.

     6:If you "cp ml300_deconfig .config",the default ram size is 64M. If your sdram is smaller than this ,it may be the probelm.

